Tuesday, October 26, 2010

My Sweetie


I love you so much! No matter how many times we argues and fuss, no matter how many times you aggravate me I will always love you. I will always be by your side in this journey of life. I would be willing to go through mintues, hours, days of argument as long as there were moments of utter happiness with you! Every bad thing is worth it when you look down at me, deep into my eyes, and kiss me so gently and so passiontely and make everything just disapear. You take my breath away. Your so amazing, compassionate, great, wonderful, loving, and fantastic!

You are my world, my true love, my everything...I would die inside if you left my life. All I want is for you to be happy. When you love someone all you want is for them to be happy...and I hope I can always make you happy. I need you. I hope I can always be what you want me to be and need me to be.

Eddie, I love you with all of my heart and can't wait for what our future holds.


Always and Forever,


Sunday, September 12, 2010



I love you so very much! You mean the world to me! You take my breath away every time you kiss me, every time I see you I just want to run into your arms and never let you go. I need you in my life! I just wanted to let you know how much you mean to me. I love you Pumpkin.


Sugarplum :)

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Darling, I love you

I love you.
Darling, I love you.

I love you like the shining morning star loves the pink sunrise.
I love you like an elegant butterfly loves a beautiful flower.
I love you like a singing morning gale loves the glistening morning dew.

I love you.
Darling, I love you.

I love you like the green leaves of the tree love the radiant sun.
I love you like the graceful eagle loves the swirling wind.
I love you like the playful bear loves the taste of sweet berries.

I love you.
Darling, I love you.

I love you like the bounding deer loves the cool springs.
I love you like the wise owl loves the full moon.
I love you like the evening stars love the pink sunset.

I love you.
Darling, I love you.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010



Just as the sun burns bright in the day;
My love for you will never fade.
Just as the mountain, there it will stay;
My love for you will never sway.

Time may pass, years gone by,
But my love for you will never age.
My heart shall never tell a lie;
My love for you burns with a rage.

The way you love me, in my soul it's burned.
That to me is easy to see.
There is one thing that I have learned...
My love for you will always be.

I love you with every fiber of my being sweetie. You are my world, my everything.

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Titans Game!!!

Hey my singing sparrow. ;) I am pumped about the Titans game on Thursday, can't wait. Your dad is awesome for giving us those tickets, I thank him. Most of all tho, no matter us seeing the Titans game or not... getting to see you will make my day. Whenever I'm with you, everything is perfect. I guess I should invest in a jersey sometime soon huh? lol Two days away seems so long! I love you baby, and miss you.

My Chipmunk


I think you are the most amazing man. You are so nice and considerate. I am so lucky to have you in my life. I don't know what I would do without you. You make me so happy. I love you.